The Institute for Defending God
  Helping to change the hearts of Americans by the power of God's Word

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  What are your thoughts on these Biblical Moral Issues?

Do you support Jerusalem as         What does the Media report....
     the capital of Israel?                    News or Views  Disguised as Truth?

  Bible Tract -  DOA
"always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you.."    I Peter 3:15

   Are you sure you will
go to heaven after you die ?
                 King David was sure...........

   "and I will dwell in the house
     of the LORD forever." (Psalm 23:6)
  "America can't handle the Truth"   (2011)      Editorial  
Support for the Nation Israel   (9 04 2011)         Editorial  
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        (Print a tract)      If you do not have a both sides feature open file and print both sides manually
    link to message:    "Two gates, Two Trees, Two Houses."  Jesus' clear warning